[Rooftop Records]
There is a logical progression emerging in World of Sand. Up until now, to some extent the band has been trying to find itself, but that is less true here. The difficulties of life have deepened the themes (Long Hard Fight), the songs are better, more crafted, performed with more skill and the theatrics (Jungle Music) have increased to a new level. The tongue in cheek playful sarcasmby now trademark Servantis still here only better (Two Masters, Cheap Talk), always used to tell a more serious story, attempting to draw the listener trapped by complacency (Cog in the Wheel) into a deeper life.
1982-World of Sand
Bob and Bruce
theatrical stage effects
laser light show
Suburban Josephine
Always at the center of the bands philosophy was the desire to communicate to a particular culture, and this took precedence. Keyboards now fully integrated, Servants sound began to respond to the synth power pop of that era (Wall of Love, New Revolution, Treeplanter Stomp-a nod to the communitys forestry crews). That said all was not playful here. Underscoring a new depth, a loss of innocence, was the death of three members of the community in a tragic vehicle accident. Sudden Death and the companion Come Jesus Come, tell a story not easy to listen to, even harder to write and perform, but nonetheless a critical part of the story. In a glitzy, self-centered era, the notion that following Jesus might entail horrific loss was a message that found its way to many wounded hearts. That God was big enough for our anger and confusion was healing to many, ourselves included.
To retain greater control, the community formed its own label named Rooftop Records, and a distribution deal with Benson meant wider availability of their albums.
concert tour with Sam Smith and Heavy Light multi-media backdrop
and yes, more smoke
Bob, often in the air
laser light show
Sandie in character
and in concert
Sandie shares with audience
Sandie sharing
Disneyland, California
Owen and the boy
Matt Spransy on keyboards
Tim Spransy guitar teching
on tour with Petra
with Greg Volz and Bob Hartman
The old Scenic Crusier having a bad day
new paint job on the 1957 relic
Photos: N.Martinez, S.Cowper, C.Briscoe, N. Love, L. Moss, D. Keitzman, and unknown
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